Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Angels and Devils

Liz here. We just saw "Inception" this weekend. After we had scooped our brains up from beneath the theatre seats, we let the film percolate in our subconsciouses for a while. Our conclusions? While I think it was well-made, I don't think I liked it. (Although, let's face it...the shifting gravity fight in the hotel hallway = frickin' amazing.) Jacob, however, loved the film.

A debate will follow. Stay tuned!


  1. Good golly, that Leonardo chap is terribly attractive. And is that Joseph Gordon Levitt I spy floating in the corner? I MUST see this film.

  2. I look forward to a more detailed post on this. I loved Inception. And I thought it was a breath of fresh air. BUT I have issues with the end...I think it was a bit of a cop out.


Critical thinking encouraged.