Monday, August 2, 2010

They say it's your birthday...

It's Liz again. I'm waxing personal today, rather than being purely a critic. Probably will lower our "online music critic street cred," but whatever. Screw the norm.

Happiness is your first electric guitar.

Jacob got a bundle of money for his birthday this year, so he decided to make a dream come true and drove nearly 100 miles out of town to pick this baby up today. Deep red Ibanez Gio, with 120 watt amp, pedal, and cords. $325 for all of it.

Worth the drive? Yes. Yes it was.

We've got a cool arrangement of "Baba O'Reilly" in the works, born of our jamming before going to work this afternoon. We can't wait to see what else is created.

(NOTE: We're considering this guitar our first-born child, and are in the process of coming up with a name for it. We'll keep you posted.)

Other recent additions to our home that we're loving:

Our radio/cd, tape, record player. This was a wedding gift from Jacob's home neighborhood. They pooled their money and got us this rocking vintage-y set, and we adore it.

To celebrate getting our first record player, we got our first record! 5 points to the first reader who recognizes it, even though it's not the best quality picture in the world.

And as soon as we buy a needle for the record player, we can listen to it. (Hmph. Seems like the record player would come equipped with something so essential.)


  1. Oh, and your title references the Beatles. 5 more points for Jules?

  2. And Jules takes the lead with 10 points!

  3. Can I get half points for knowing that its not only Led Zepplin but Led Zepplin IV

  4. Yes. Chris follows in a close second with 2.5 points.


Critical thinking encouraged.